Pokhara University
Faculty of Science and Technology
Course Code: CLV 252 (3 Credit)
Full Marks: 100
Course Title: Surveying II (3-1-3)
Pass Mark: 45
Nature of the Course: Theory and Practical
Total Lectures: 45 hours
Level: Bachelor/ Year: II/ Semester: II
Program: Civil
1. Course Description:
This course is designed for specific applications of theoretical aspects of the previous course of
Surveying-I. Furthermore, it includes the topics of advanced mapping techniques, spatial data analysis,
remote sensing applications, and Geographic Information Systems (GIS). The course is developed for
the application of modern survey and mapping techniques in civil infrastructure projects.
Surveying-I is the prerequisite of this course.
2. General Objectives:
General objectives of the course are:
To enable students to solve, describe and analyze the various aspects of surveying in
civil engineering project.
To acquaint the students with modern techniques in the surveying and other mapping
techniques and software.
3. Methods of Instructions:
Lectures, Tutorials, Discussion and Practical works
4. Course Contents
Specific Objective
To determine the position of unknown
points by using Theodolite & Total
Unit 1: Orienteering (4 hrs)
1.1. Introduction, Uses and Importance
1.2. Analytical Intersection
1.3. Analytical Resection-Three point problem: Collin’s point
Method, Tienstra Method and (Ï•-45) degree method
To identify the various parameters of
the curves and visualize the procedure
for setting out the curves in the field.
Unit 2: Setting the Curves (9 hrs)
2.1 Introduction, Designation ,Types, Uses and Importance
2.2 Elements of Simple Circular Curve and their computation
2.3 Setting out of Simple Circular Curve by Ordinate from Long
Chord, Offset from Tangent and Deflection angle Method
2.4 Computation of Elements and Setting out of Transition Curves
2.5 Computation of Elements and Setting out of Vertical Curves
2.6 Field survey protocol
To determine the horizontal and
vertical controls of points & taking the
knowledge of measurement of large
water bodies
Unit 3: Hydrographic Survey (4hrs)
3.1 Introduction and Basic Terms
3.2 Vertical and Horizontal Control
3.3 Sounding- Definition, Equipment used and Methods.
3.4 Preparation of bathymetric maps
3.5 Field survey protocol
To describe the advance surveying
methods without physical contact to
the objects and respective procedures.
Unit 4: Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing (8 hrs)
4.1 Introduction and Uses of Photogrammetry
4.2 Scale of Vertical Photograph
4.3 Relief Displacement
4.4 Introduction, Types, Uses and Basic Process of Remote Sensing
4.5 Interaction of Electromagnetic Radiation with Earth Surface
To recognize the modern methods of
surveying and mapping techniques.
Unit 5 : Field Astronomy, GPS and GIS (9 hrs)
5.1 Basic Terms in Field Astronomy
5.2 Latitude, Longitude, Azimuth, Distance and Time
5.3 Uses of Astronomy in Surveying and Mapping
5.4 Introduction and uses of GPS
5.5 GPS accuracy, precision and error sources
5.6 Application of GIS
To illustrate and apply computer
software in mapping
Unit 6 : Mapping Software (2 hrs)
6.1 Introduction
6.2 Advantages and Disadvantages of Manual Plotting and
Computerized Plotting
To apply survey techniques for civil
infrastructure projects.
Unit 7: Project Survey (9 hrs)
7.1 Basics of project survey
7.2 Laying out, progress monitoring of infrastructure projects
7.3 Alignment Survey of linear infrastructure
5. Evaluation System and Students’ Responsibilities
Evaluation System
The internal evaluation of a student may consist of assignments, attendance, term-exams, lab reports and
projects etc. The tabular presentation of the internal evaluation is as follows:
Internal Evaluation
External Evaluation
Semester End
Attendance & Class Participation
Internal Assessment
Attendance & Class Participation
Lab Report/Project Report
Practical Exam/Project Work
Total Internal
Full Marks: 50 + 50 = 100
Students’ Responsibilities
Each student must secure at least 45% marks separately in internal assessment and practical evaluation
with 80% attendance in the class in order to appear in the Semester End Examination. Failing to get such
score will be given NOT QUALIFIED (NQ) to appear the Semester-End Examinations. Students are
advised to attend all the classes, formal exam, test, etc. and complete all the assignments within the
specified time period. Students are required to complete all the requirements defined for the completion
of the course.
6. List of Tutorials
Solving the problems related to intersection and resection to determine the co-ordinate of
unknown points
Calculation of different elements of curves (circular, transition and vertical curves) &
computation of necessary data to set out the curves by linear and angular methods
Problems related to the photogrammetry i.e calculation of scale of the vertical photograph, Relief
displacement and flying height of the aircraft and altitude of the terrain.
Solving the problems related to the time and distance with reference to the latitude & longitude
of any location
7. List of Practicals
Determination of co-ordinates of an unknown point by analytical intersection and analytical
resection methods.
Setting out of simple circular curve by Offsets from Long Chord, Offsets from Tangent and
Rankine Method of Deflection Angles.
Setting out of transition curve by Deflection Angle Method.
Laying out of a Building.
Demonstration and use of GPS instrument to determine co-ordinates of a point.
Introduction to GIS software.
8. Prescribed Books and References
Text Books:
1. Punmia, B.C., Jain Ashok K & Jain Arun K(2005). Surveying (Vol. I,II,III). New Delhi: Laxmi
2. Duggal, S. K. Surveying(vol I, II). New Delhi: Tata McGraw-Hill Publishing Company Limited.
1. Bannister, A &Raymond, S (1997) Surveying. London: ELBS
2. Kanetkar, T.P& Kulkarmi, S.V Surveying & leveling.